ISO 10002 (QMS Complains)

ISO 10002:2018

Customer Satisfaction Management

ISO 10002 Certification Offered With Consumer Pride Control. This is a big difference in the contemporary enterprise landscape. Therefore, it is high time that your company should provide the necessary support and importance to it. ISO 10002 mod also works to deal with criticism in a proactive and green way.

It is an ISO trend specifically designed to deal with criticism from within the organization. You can provide much desired guidance on your organization and its personnel through its deployment. Furthermore, process handling is linked to product planning, control, operation, and design. It additionally enhances the general first class control machine of the organization.

ISO 10002 Requirements and Framework

ISO 10002 applies favorable results to deal with trendy consumer lawsuits through which includes the following. Machine deploys a consumer-centric environment, which is open to all types of feedback. It helps in increasing the pride of the consumer. The concepts here aim to deal with all complaints holistically

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