ISO 31800 (FST)

ISO 31800:2020

ISO 31800 is a record which specifies necessities and check techniques to make sure performance, safety, operability and maintainability of community-scale aid recuperation faecal sludge remedy devices (herein addressed as remedy devices) that serve approximately, however now no longer confined to, 1 000 to a hundred 000 people. This record applies to remedy devices that:

  1. a) Primarily deal with faecal sludge,
  2. b) Are capable of perform in non-sewered and off-grid environments,
  3. c) Are prefabricated,
  4. d) Exhibit aid recuperation capability (e.g. convalescing power, reusable water, soil modification products), and are able to being power impartial or power internet positive.

This record does now no longer observe to remedy devices requiring most important sewer infrastructure.

Inputs are ordinarily faecal sludge derived from human excreta and may encompass extra materials on the discretion of the producer. This record does now no longer specify the traits of the faecal sludge (e.g. COD, BOD, moisture content, etc.) and which varieties of the extra inputs (e.g. meals waste) are handled in the unit. These inputs are described with the aid of using the producer in addition to the enter traits which meet the necessities special on this record.

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